UV Sterilizer, Thermometer

All utensils for breastfeeding, including milk bottles, teats, breast pump accessories, tableware, towels, toys, toothbrushes need to be sterilized throughfully to ensure the health of your baby. The Spectra ultraviolet UV sterilizer and dryer can sterilize and dry all the accessories. Save you a lot of time, it is a must-have choice for breastfeeding.

SPECTRA UV Sterilizer

Using the most advanced bilateral German OSRAM 4W ultraviolet disinfection, which is proven to powerfully kill 99.9% of harmful bacteria. One UV machine can sterilize and dry different household items, including: drying baby bottles, nipples, breast pump accessories, tableware, towels, toys, toothbrushes, etc.

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FORA TM10 穿戴式測溫計,臂帶式測溫,透氣可水洗,乾爽舒適不易過敏

FORA TM10 Wearable Temperature Monitor

Wearable Temperature Monitor, breathable and washable, dry and comfortable without allergies.

Continuous temperature measurement for 24 hours: only +/−0.1°C temperature deviation.

Monitor body temperature at any time: Monitor your baby's body temperature within a distance of 10 meters.

Monitoring status: You do not need to stay with your baby all night, you can set a fever alert, and you will be notified immediately when your body temperature is too high.

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MICROLIFE NC300 Multi-Function Thermometer Forehead / Water / Object Surface

Only takes 3 seconds! It can measure body temperature from the forehead, water temperature, and surface temperature of objects with ease. With its advanced technology and accuracy, it provides quick and reliable results for your convenience.

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  • 優質可靠 為您提供市場上最優質奶泵

    High quality and reliable

    To provide you with the best quality breast pump on the market

  • <strong>Spectra 奶泵擁有優質售後服務</strong>

    Excellent customer service

    Provide excellent after-sales and customer service

  • 最新科技 最新的科技給您最佳的吸乳體驗

    The latest technology

    The latest technology provides you the best breastfeeding experience