Hands-free pumping bra and nursing

Moms are very busy every day, but pumping breast milk takes a lot of time. Hands-free pumping bra allows you to do other things without having to hold the bottle with your hands for a long time when pumping. Nursing pillow and scarf make it easy for you to maintain privacy and breastfeed while outside

  • 優質可靠 為您提供市場上最優質奶泵

    High quality and reliable

    To provide you with the best quality breast pump on the market

  • <strong>Spectra 奶泵擁有優質售後服務</strong>

    Excellent customer service

    Provide excellent after-sales and customer service

  • 最新科技 最新的科技給您最佳的吸乳體驗

    The latest technology

    The latest technology provides you the best breastfeeding experience