For more than 80 years, continuous research has allowed our diabetes care team to lead the way in blood glucose monitoring systems, like our world‐renowned CONTOUR® range and related products.

  • What causes Gestational glycosuria

    Gestational glycosuria is diabetes that occurs around five or six months into pregnancy. The main reason is that pregnant women gain weight during pregnancy and their demand for insulin increases, but the pancreas fails to provide sufficient insulin secretion, causing blood sugar to rise, causing gestational diabetes.

    Gestational diabetes generally has no obvious symptoms, but if a pregnant woman eats, drinks, or urinates a lot, and her weight does not rise but falls; or if she does not eat much and her urine sugar test is positive, she may have gestational glycosuria.

    In doubt, they should consult with their doctor as soon as possible. Blood glucose screening is required to confirm whether gestational diabetes is present. Regular self-monitoring glucose test would help to know and monitor your current situation better.

  • What causes Pregnancy-induced Hypertension

    Pregnancy-induced hypertension refers to a pregnant woman who has no history of high blood pressure in the past but develops symptoms of high blood pressure due to pregnancy. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, the blood pressure is 140/90mmHg or above and does not drop after 6 hours of rest.

    People with pregnancy-induced hypertension may not have other symptoms. The rate of hypertension is as high as 5-10%, which is mainly related to the function of placental blood vessels, causing pregnancy-induced hypertension. Remember to check regularly.

    Blood pressure rises after 20 weeks of pregnancy. High blood pressure may cause convulsions or cramps in pregnant women. In severe cases, it may even cause the death of the mother or fetus.